Friday 31 August 2012

Dreams & Reality

I dreamt of you and me. We were the main characters of the drama. Everything happens as it is supposed to. It was like FATE that brought us togetherThe class outing I slogged my guts along side Jodi to prepare wasn't a waste after all. Although we sacrificed our exam papers for it... It brought the whole class together and we had some fateful encounters and experiences. Me and you, brought together by an accident, a spark led to a fire.

Have you ever had such vivid dreams that you confuse it with the REAL world. It's so... Inception-like, when you get confused between dreams and reality. Something in your mind just keeps repeating itself that you actually dream of it happening. It feels so life-like that your mind actually falls prey to it's deceiving trap. But really, how great would life be if most sweet dreams came true?

Well, I'm in Korea now! Hoping to meet the Running Man or BigBang but we're not fated. Yeah, my exams just ended on Thursday so how is it I'm in Korea? My flight was the night I had my last paper. Rush like crazy cause I hadn't pack my bag at that time lol. So the weather at Korea is ... Like Singapore and I didn't really get to sleep. Initially, I wanted to have a movie marathon but they turned off my television screen before I even finish 1 movie!! I had nothing to do for the next 3hours so I went to sleep.. By the way, not all airplane food suck, I enjoyed my bibimbap (:

Sunday 26 August 2012

Judgements, Judging and Being Judgemental

I bet you're all judging me cause of the picture LOL!

This week, the topic of being judgemental has really been on my mind. Just yesterday, I was thinking of writing something along this topic but I didn't feel like doing it (sorry for being lazy? Haha) I just changed my twitter DP to something that is totally different from the usual me. (The Picture LOL) It's not that I suddenly want to have a new look or anything.. It's actually me just being who I want to be.
Before uploading the photo, I had a lot of hesitations and they were all because I was afraid of being judged by people. In the end, I came to a conclusion: you won't know anything till you try it, if it turns out bad, at least you had the courage to do something bold and new. If it turns out good, well, BRILLIANT! Good for you :)
So I boldly pressed the update button and up goes the new DP and immediately, I lost all my confidence hahaha I was thinking if I should just remove the picture but by that time, I had already stepped out of my house so no wifi = can't change
When I got to a place with wifi (school), I received notifications from twitter and my friends responded to the change in the DP and I felt really encouraged by them. (cause they said it was nice hehehe (:<)
Actually... I don't see the link between my story and the topic but it was because I was afraid of being judged. I once had a sermon about this topic and the only thing I remembered was this statement "Don't judge and you won't be judged" How true! Well, you will still be judged but you wont be bothered by it so it kinda = won't be judged. It's because we are so judgemental of everything that we are afraid of being judged. If one is able to not be judgemental, then he or she will also not bother if others judge them and will thence be unaffected and carry on with being true to themselves. I'm currently working on that, cause it is obviously a very difficult task but it is not impossible!
Another thing is who are we to judge others? We're not judges or lawyers so who are we to judge others?
During Cell Group (CG) today, I learnt about judges... We're in no proper position to judge others, the one true judge there is is only God. For only God is without sin. He is pure and holy whereas we all have sin in us, or as people like to say "we're all human". Even the most righteous man on earth has sin, therefore, none of us are in the position to judge, true? Haha give it some thought.

Bye :)

Saturday 25 August 2012

Sharing the Gospel

Yesterday, Jodi and I walked one whole round around Bedok Reservoir!! It was a super sense of accomplishment! Sure, we had lots of breaks and talking session but we completed the round - at least.
I drank sweet talk after many years of Koi and GongCha and Drink Tea and Share Tea LOL. It wasn't that bad and it's only a dollar! Bargain man! But we know it's fake tea, well back to our walk, we had lots of chatting and learnt more about each other.
I never knew I could be so emotional when talking about my past.. Gotta be strong myself! Next time I share, no more tears will be shed!

Jodi - my free thinker friend whom I've now grown a lot closer to(always been close) - shared her life story with me and told me about her experiences and warned me about lots of things about BGR (cause I'm from a uni-sex school. Period). I felt a strong calling to spread the word about Christ with her. Well, the fact that she had Christian friends who attempted to bring her to church really helped me. So, back to the strong calling that I had at the back of my mind to just tell me to spread the gospel to her, I did it! And I was glad to know that she was receptive and I actually managed to share so much and my testimony to her! I felt a great sense of accomplishment (cause it's really a first time experience to share Christianity to a friend through my own testimony) like I'm finally doing my job as a Christian - to spread the Word. Of course action speaks much louder than words so I'll have to really show her through my actions that I mean business (it's a lot easier said than done but I have faith God will help me!) So now, my current goals are to maintain a 3.9-4.0 GPA [I'm positive it's currently possible) and bring Jodi to Christ! :) keep me in prayer fellow brothers and sisters in Christ (:

A Random Post

GD ONE OF A KIND IS OUT!!! And it's my friend's birthday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTABELLLLLLLLLL!!!! :D the MV for one of a kind is sooooo good! I find it cool and the way the camera quality's just so good! Well, he's rich so.. Yeah. Lol. The tiger and the bear are soooo cute! I want the hoodie and the cap, Afterall I strongly believe that the way "GET OUT" is used in the MV originated from my sec 4 class! It's a fact!
I promise I will learn that cool leg dance one day + hand coordinations which I fail terribly at. By the way, is it just me or does it look as if there's a lot of Kang Garys in the picture LOL! We'll have an awesome day, good night people! 


Friday 24 August 2012

Studying with Friends

Yesterday was our last day of study week and today marks our first paper. My friend and I found a secret place in school and we keep going there to study. The place is quiet, peaceful and the best part is that there's a seesaw!!!!!
I'm in love with the giant seesaw thingy! It's windy when you sit on it and it's fun when it rocks about~ There's a giant tree above that provides awesome shade. Haha but the bad part is we end up playing on the seesaw and dancing Oppa GangNam style instead of reading our notes.
This is definitely going into my book of special memories cause it is very special~ this is our 秘密基地!!! Ok nuff said.

The first paper's over and we're back here at the secret base but we're not studying! Instead we're planning for class outing hahaha joke!!! I think I fared quite well, how bout you? LOL. The paper's quite ugly.. Colour wise, look at it! (below) ok BYEBYE :) gotta plan and study hehe

Wednesday 22 August 2012


So here I am creating a new blog in the mids of my examination period. simply BRILLIANT~ Inspired by my friends to start blogging since the lay out and all is now much nicer...I think. LOL. So maybe I should start with telling the world more about myself?

As the picture and page name suggests, I'm a tortoise lover.. don't ask me why, I just love tortoise... They look so cute and clumsy especially with the shell... NO! Tortoise are not the same as Turtles... Turtles have flippers while Tortoises have feet, which are cuter than flippers. So since I'm mad in love with tortoise, I love the colour green - well obviously.
So I've just started my poly life and it's seriously a whole lot better than secondary school (academic wise) but the environment my secondary school provides is just too good to be compared to anything. I really miss my friends and old life style but... WE HAVE TO MOVE ON! :]
So I'll be moving on and stop here... Heyyyyy, I think I'm already addicted to blogging! D: that's bad!!!! I AM SUPER EASILY ADDICTED TO STUFF! OH NOOOO!!!