Saturday 5 November 2016

Heading back to the starting line

Hmm so its been 2 years since I've actually written something in this blog... Technically, I stopped because I felt that I was revealing too much of me online and I didn't quite like that but I think I'm someone who needs a platform to vomit my thoughts out and an online platform is more efficient and convenient. Reason being :
1. I can do it anytime a thought comes
2. I don't have to keep a physical book and waste my pen ink
3. I don't have to find a place to keep the book
4. I don't have to keep the book just to read my old entries when they're all online and happily chilling around the internet
Okay! So I'm starting school in a weeks time and there's a lot of stuff to do like planning my timetable and bidding for my modules (cause NUS). I find that I have so many commitments that it actually makes me feel that I've lived a more meaningful / satisfying life over my long holiday.
I am committed in church (just stepped up to be a CGL, in camp committee and started being more active in comms & media), found myself an awesome part time job as a lab tech in TP (though my last day is this Wednesday) and joining an external CO for an upcoming performance! Oh shucks I digressed! 2 years is a really long time and there's so much to share.
Well, I honestly never regretted my decision to study at TP instead of NYJC as it really allowed me to grow so much. From a very dependent kid to an independent, self motivated kid... Poly life was so much fun despite all the hardcore studying and assignments. I guess it's because we are given more opportunities and time to bond in poly and I took those opportunities which made my life waaaayyyyy more interesting and exciting. Its sad to say goodbye to my friends but I'm sure we'll still meet and do retarded stuff despite us taking different paths (NUS/ NTU/ AUSTRALIA/ NS/ WORKING).
SO. UNI IS STARTING AND IM SOOOOOO not EXCITED!!! The thought of having to make new friends all over again and getting used to a new environment is just so sian cause I'm just a lazy person.. I really hope I can cope well with the new school and environment.. And forging new friendships that will last long... Also because I didn't sign up for any orientation camps cause I missed the date procrastinating and the camp fees were... I can put the money to better use. So I guess I'm heading back to the starting line of my life track this August. All the best to those starting uni too! By the way...
Hahahha P.S. I'm super crazy over GD right now, sorry TOP, I still love you but GD is too cute! Especially with red hair #MADE #BIGBANG #VIP

EDIT - I realised this had been a draft for the past 1.5YEARS and I'm now a year 2 sem 1 LSM undergrad lol

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