Saturday 5 November 2016

LSM Major AY15/16 SEM 1

OKKKK I'M GOING TO TRY THIS OUT - cause I've got a tonne of good advice reading senpai's blog posts on module reviews. Also cause I don't want to study for my papers on monday, tuesday, thursday and friday... HOPE IT HELPS Y'ALL FUTURE LIFE SCIENCE MAJORS!
Since I'm from the post- AY15/16  batch, I am forced to give up my 20MCs for GEM mods and fulfill the 5 pillars (but they only had 4 during my time so I can repeat any pillar to complete all 5 pillars)

Modules : LSM1101, LSM1102, CM1401, GET1025 & GEH 1032 (20MCs - normal workload) red = pre-allocated
GOT THEM ALL AT 1 POINT except GET1025 - 40points 

LSM 1101 - Biochemistry of Biomolecules (you need H2 bio or equivalent)

This module was hated by me, not because it was hard but I overall dislike biomolecules and the beginning part of the lecture content was like a repeat of my polytechnic modules (A level bio if I'm not wrong). So lots of pKa pKb calculations and all about your protein and amino acid folding. The modules is pretty easy if you put in effort to study (which I didn't) and there are webcasts so it tempts you to NOT go for lectures - Don't do it though, you'll suffer during the exam period because of all the catching up to do. There are practicals that normally last for 2hours unless your TA is slow. The practical reports are not graded but the content (calculation and theories) ARE TESTED in your CAs and Finals so do make sure you know what's going on during the practical session even if you don't help your partner with the lab report (PAIR WORK). 

HOW TO STUDY (from me... joke, I failed the CA):
1. know all the calculations and memorise the formulas (even if they say a formula sheet is given cause some stuff are not part of the sheet apparently)
2. memorise your proteins well - the alphabets, the side groups and the nature and the short form naming (this is the most basic thing)
3. study - JUST DO IT even if the subject sucks... unless you want to fail

Workload: 2/5

Expected Grade: B-
Overall Grade: B

LSM 1102 - Molecular Genetics (you need H2 bio or equivalent)

I actually enjoyed this module because ALL THREE CAs were open book!! WARNING: Dr Wu has a rather strong accent and you may not understand him - watch the webcast instead of attending lecture.
The content only became heavy when you had to memorise it all for the finals but the first two lecturer's parts were fine, only Prof Chew's epigenetic and blah blah killed me (it had 25 MCQs in the finals and I literally guessed 20 of it because I had no time to study his chapter). The very last chapter was super confusing cause he was rushing through it to complete it in time for the finals and I didn't really pay attention. OK, confession, I was too busy watching MAMA2015 (4hours) to study his notes hahaha I'm sorry.. The lab sessions are rather easy to follow through and the report holds VERY VERY LOW % of your final grade so just make sure to submit something at least. The mutagen for yeast can be food colouring/coke/coffee. I shouldn't be giveing answers... BUT you still need to find research papers to back up your claims HAHAHA

HOW TO STUDY (i did pretty well the CAs):
1. precisely because it is opened book, READ your notes and understand your stuff well, they gonna test you ridiculous application qns
2. flag your chapters so you refer easily during the CA, the tables are tiny so not a lot of space to spread your notes (LT32)
3. finals - Dr Wu & Prof He's part (understand and memorise the different proteins used in the processes e.g. polymerase, gyrase), Prof Fook's part (UNDERSTAND IT, memorising won't really help)

Workload: 2/5

Expected Grade: A
Overall Grade: A- (finals killed me remember?)

CM1401 - Chemistry for Life Sciences (you need H2 chem or equivalent)

This module was BADDDDDD in the beginning. Dr Sellou (French).. didn't understand her half the time, rewatched the webcast and still caught no ball. But when it got to organic chem (Fung Fun Man flipp classrooms!!! - I liked him) it was a walk in the park. OK but Sellou will confuse you during the Gibbs free energy part and when she tries to explain the atomic orbital with a dragon fruit but I don't blame her, it's really quite deep and takes time to understand. There are weekly (almost) quizzes posted online to make sure you're all caught up with lecture and THEY ARE GRADED. Try to get full marks, you only get to try it twice so do it in a group of many friends. They really are free marks for this horrid module. The first CA killed the cohort (but there was this spoiler that got full marks...what even?) The finals was easy so don't be disheartened by it and CA2 was manageable. 

HOW TO STUDY (I failed the CA again.. 12/25):
1. Physical: understand.. if all else fails, memorise the formulas | Organic: memorise
2. revise the online quizzes, you're lucky if they test the same question!
3. do past year papers (if you can find them) & redo the quizzes to improve your understanding and helps with memorising

Workload: 3/5 (quizzes quite burden cause of closing time)

Expected Grade: B-
Overall Grade: A- (thank God really...)

GET 1025 - Science Fiction & Philosophy (RECOMMEND!)

I loved this module ONLY after I finished the semester. Firstly, if you enjoy reading stories, TAKE THIS MOD! (not me but I took it cause no finals) Secondly, if you like a good insightful mind-blowing debate, TAKE THIS MID! Lastly, if you love philosophy... DON'T take this mod. Well, despite the module name, there's a lot more science fiction rather than philosophy. The philosophy part only comes once or twice during the tutorial sessions (5 total). I practically skipped all the lectures after the first quiz because although I enjoyed Prof Hobo's humour, I didn't understand half of what he was saying and there were NO NOTES (you'll soon realise why). The 2 quizzes were  both easy 10/10 if you did your readings. The tutorials required you to speak up to get your participation marks but even if you don't, Hobo will call on you and you have NO CHOICE (but he'll give you marks after that, YAY) - I suggest you take this mod with a friend if you hate awkward group discussions with strangers. You have to complete a total of 6 essay (3 in term 1 and 3 in term 2, 10% each). If you're really witty and creative, GO FOR THE NARRATIVES! Otherwise please save yourself by attending his lecture then write a thematic summary (cause he does give some good pointers you can include in your summary to score). 

1. slacker's way - only read the readings with asterisks/* OR read online summaries of the readings before the test; tested on plot/story content/storyline/characters no nitty gritty details
2. take your time to write the essays, you have a 1000 word limit which may not be enough most of the time
3. attend all tutorials and try to talk (thick skin a bit)

Workload: 3/5 (essays are burden)

Expected Grade: B-
Overall Grade: A-

GEH 1032 - Modern Technology in Medicine and Health (Not Recommended with CM)

MY FINALS FOR THIS MODULE WAS ON THE SAME DAY AS CM1401. IT IS NOT OK! The module was fun and insightful and interesting. The bad side to it was the bell curve and NO WEBCAST - but the prof has a point for this. The lectures are very well delivered (best one from my semester) and it was interesting. Attempt the tutorial questions before classes so you can check if you're on the right track - attendance for tutorials is 10% so arrange for make ups if you're going to miss any (with reason of course). I didn't attend some of the lectures but had my friend fill me in on the details so it was not too bad - without her, I may have died. I didn't really study much for this module because I suck at memorising stuff and gave up half way because 2 finals in a day kills. I only started studying for this mod (finals) 4 hours before the paper, after my CM1401... hence my grade D:

1. memorise everything - spelling matters (fill in the blanks & MCQ for CA, structured for finals)
2. know your calculations and formulas MEMORISE 

Workload: 2/5

Expected Grade: B+
Overall Grade: B-


LSM1101: B (S/U)
LSM1102: A-
CM1401: A-
GET1025: A-
GEH1032: B- (S/U)

CAP: 4.50


  1. Hey there! I enjoyed reading your blog, especially being an LSM freshie:)
    May I ask what kind of grades you got for the 6 essays & 2 quizzes in GET1025?
    Getting A- for this mod is rly impressive!! (I find it tough, and only discovered I sort of enjoyed it AFTER I submitted everything!)
    Also, how many blog comments are sufficient? I left about 5 instead of 3 since I don't think many of my posts are intelligent to Prof Holbo :P
    Thank you!

    1. haha Wow! THANKS FOR READING MY BLOG! I'm super excited! This is my first time replying a comment hahaha:
      - for the 6 essays I mainly scored 3/5, i only got 4/5 for one of it which was a thematic summary (i forgot which story i chose but i wrote it based on Hobo's lecture and i guess that's why he enjoyed it?)
      - for the 2 quizzes i got 10/10 for the first and 9/10 for the second
      - for the comments, i think i only commented 3 times? and they weren't long posts. I just made sure I sounded like i know what i was saying hahaha
      my friend who took the mod with me got a B+ even though she only scored 1 mark less than me for the essay (18/30 total), ultimately, it depends on the bell curve of your cohort :)

  2. Hello! Do you have past year papers for GEH1032?

    1. Hello you can get past year papers from NUS library

  3. Hi!

    I really liked your review on GEH1032 🙂 helped me in making the decision to take these module.

    So, I’m currently taking this module, and would love to have some additional resources (lecture, tutorial notes, past year papers, quizzes and assignments).

    Could you kindly share your materials (files/folder) with me? I’d really appreciate it, truly.

    If there’s anything I can do for you in return, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

    Thank you very much!

    My email is:
