Saturday 5 November 2016

LSM Major AY15/16 Sem 2

Modules : LSM1103, LSM1104, ST1232, GER1000 & SP1541 (20MCs - normal workload) red = pre-allocated

LSM 1103 - Biodiversity

This module was fun! Made many friends cause of the weekly field trips and practical sessions. The intensive station to station part was ... intensive - bad for my poor brain. The lectures can be missed because all the information you need are in the slides so study them in your own time. It's a factual module so nothing to "understand"; no calculations, no theories. EVERYTHING IS OPENED BOOK. The lab reports AKA CAs are graded by your TA without moderation so good luck to you if your TA hates you and marks you down for GRAMMAR (NO ONE DOES THAT FOR LAB REPORT?!!!) Follow your TA's style and not get advice from your friends cause to each his own style of marking. My TA gave bonus marks for including images with the correct referencing and you have to use different sources (at least 3) to get citation marks. Paragraphing apparently gives you marks too so leave spaces (2 page limit though - max out the margin lower the font). The practical test was fun. If your cheat sheet is good, it's easy and it'll be useful in the finals so spend some time making it perfect. NO STICKING stuff or PRINTING on the cheat sheet, they coldly rip it off

THIS MODULE IS DISCONTINUED APPARENTLY - but i heard it's a year 2 mod now
1. read through your lecture notes & study your practical content too
2. make your own notes for quick reference during finals since things get messy (i made my own which came handy)
3. study whatever brochure they give (e.g. know the number of crustaceans)

Workload: 3/5 (if you make your own notes & cheat sheet)

Expected Grade: A-
Overall Grade: B+

LSM 1104 - General Physiology

I just to say that Prof Yip says the same thing EVERY SINGLE LECTURE. You can choose to skip the lecture cause I think it's webcasted (forgot, sorry) but I attended them all because I was already in school... The whole module is quite easy to understand. DO NOT PRINT PROF YIP'S NOTES - nothing but pictures and videos (on paper will just be pictures) - STOP KILLING TREES. The practicals were rather amusing from term 2 onward, term 1 was.. uh.. what?

HOW TO STUDY (i did pretty well for the CAs):
1. Understand the concepts - search and watch videos on youtube, it really helped me
2. I made my own set of notes just cause OCD
3. study the practicals (e.g. the heart sounds thingy, how to read scientific data)

Workload: 2/5

Expected Grade: B+ (wasn't expecting much after sem 1)
Overall Grade: A-(WHEEEE~~~~)

ST1232 - Statistics for Life Sciences (H1 Math or equivalent)

I didn't understand this module after term 1 when I stopped listening cause I had no time to print my notes before lecture. If you loves statistics, good for you, if you like math, you may not get your A unless your stats is stronk! The CA was easy before the first half of the semester was like going through a basic basic basic stats mod and was easy to cope. When all the other stuff comes in... GG.COM. But sit yourself down, watch the webcast and try to see the dots connect in your head! understanding is the first step to applying.

1. Try the tutorial questions before the finals to make sure you're doing it right!
2. Go for consultation sessions (during reading week)
3. A good cheat sheet

Workload: 1.5/5

Expected Grade: C (i just need to S/U this)
Overall Grade: B+ (God is good)

GER 1000 - Quantitative Reasoning

Entire module was self-based learning and it was manageable. I really thank God for a super good tutorial teacher. HE IS DA BEST! (sorry can't remember his name but he's from stats doing his masters or something). His summary slides were the bomb and he gave really good feedback during the project consultation. Then I need to thank my awesome group mates cause I felt like such a group burden (I think I didn't do much - WHICH IS RARE FOR A ME IN A PROJECT GROUP?!!). The module required a lot of warped common sense - if you have it you win it. But to those who don't, try to understand from friends who do or just keep bugging your tutor. They have graded weekly quizzes (unlimited attempts) which they don't tell you your grade and will take the latest submission, not the one with the highest score. Do it with friends - yes and ask around for answers - may be a double edged sword cause they may confuse you to change your correct answer to a wrong one; up to you to believe it or not. 

1. really, just understand the module's logic and don't insist on your own logic
2. know how to calculate the probability one and the fertility rate one (always tested)
3. help out with the project work - there's peer evaluation (either the report or design the poster) cause its free marks if you do well - apply your concepts CORRECTLY (don't try to apply everything then all wrong, doesn't work that way)

Workload: 3/5 
Expected Grade: A-
Overall Grade: A

SP 1541 - Exploring Science Communication through Popular Science (a certain GP grade - not sure, POLY need to take QUT & get the best class)

This mod is COMPULSORY (unless SPS) and you have to BID for it. It has no lectures and is completely tutorial style. There are 2 tutorials a week and you are required to do your readings before coming to EACH tutorial. There are a couple of graded presentations as a group and an individual one. You're also required to write quite a lot (synthesis/essays). You need to dedicate a lot of time to this modules so it's better to take it with 03/04 not 01/02 and in year 1 where they have more spaces allocated. My tutor was awesome, she made the lessons fun and engaging, and the people in my class were very enthusiastic! After the entire sem, you naturally bond with one another so I enjoyed the mod!

I HEARD THEY CHANGED THE something worse? ):


1. presentations - do it without your script, don't just memorise but say it naturally. HOW? keep rehearsing your presentation over and over and over until you can do it while playing a game or smth... 
2. essays - get people who are better than you to constantly check your work for grammatical errors. get your other friends who are not science students to read your essay to get feedback - see if they understand what you are trying to say (YOUR TUTOR HAS LITTLE SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE - THEY ARE ENGLISH TUTORS!!)

Workload: 4/5

Expected Grade: B+
Overall Grade: A-


LSM1103: B+ (S/U)
LSM1104: A-
ST1232: B+
GER1000: A
SP1541: A-

CAP: 4.50

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