Monday 4 November 2013

Why oh why?

Feeling so guilty...
Today I rejected someone and I'm feeling super guilty but I know its better to reject the person then to let him have false hopes. This is one of the reasons why I hate BGR, cause unlike the typical Korean/Taiwan/HongKong or whatever drama, things are never that smooth. It's sooooo annoying actually. Having to try to NOT BE AWKWARD and consult people on what to do and being indecisive and irritating in the eyes of some people ANDDD things don't just end once you reject the person. The person may turn to hate you or continue liking you and you can't do anything about it and things get awkward and I hate AWKWARDNESS EVEN THOUGH IM QUITE THE AWKWARD TURTLE. Ahhh whatever, the best solution is to just pray about it. 
K, and another thing is that my GPA dropped last semester and I'm super bitter. WHAT AM I TO DO WITH MY LIFE?!! I wished there was a restart button for everything, then I can start off as an EMO kid and isolate myself from the world and be EMO but nope, not going to happen cause I have this huge issue about being a loner. I cannot live without friends/company. 
Ok, forgot it, I'm going to just be a mugger and focus on refining my other talents and not waste effort on people problems.
Then again, why in the world would someone like me? I'm trying to be boy enough to not get caught in such situations and it's not working.. And I'm not say very pretty and FAT, my fashion sense is strange (I like it though) and I'm super impatient with almost everyone, I'm awkward with guys cause I'm from an all girls school and I sometimes say hurtful things without thinking. I AM WEIRD , PEROID. 

Back to studying 

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