Thursday 10 October 2013

What are friends? Can eat one ah?

So what are friends? People say friends are the best gifts in life, others say they are free entertainment... Ok no one actually says those stuff but it's said that no person with ZERO friends can truly be happy

Friends are like the biggest part in my emotional rifes, my ups and downs, my happiest and saddest times. Best friends are meant to be there for you when you're sad, happy or just need a friend that's why they are your BEST friend . I always believed that if you treasure someone, they will realize it and treat you back the same but NO! Life isn't all rainbows and happy endings. This is the real world and happy endings don't come from fairy godmothers but by ones own effort. 

In my entire life before I entered poly, the people whom I considered my bestest friends are now nothing but people I barely talk to. We put on a mask as if we're still close and frankly I feel that I'm the only one trying to salvage the relationship when one day, it's too tiring to continue and everything falls apart. Yes, it sadly does. That's why I hate life, I hate it so bad....

But everything is meant to balance out. Cause & Effect. 
Time to turn those emotions off, that's when you'll realize those people who truly cherish you. It's amongst the cold world where the love will burn even hotter. Yes, I've decided on whom to keep and whom to let go, whom to love more and whom to stop wasting time on. It may sound like they are nothing but toys but it won't hurt you to stop playing with your brokem toys. 

There are so many other people out there who will treasure you more than those who are causing you pain now. I'm not telling you to run away from the people hurting you, but instead, I'm asking you to focus on those who love you instead.

So now in happily living life with my close friends whom I've never thought of before :) you'll find your place I this world someday too! 

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