Monday 24 September 2012

To work or not to work, that is the question!

Hello everyone! Yes, I'm blogging LESS nowadays. So I'm having my rather looong holidays right now and I want to work cause I'm broke but I'm lazy to get a job cause I'm... well, lazy!

CCA is a factor and unable to waste my life away is another reason that's stopping me from getting a proper job cause now I'm working at my uncle's shop... but I'm really just sitting there playing the computer and if there's a need to, refill the drink fridge.

Working is tiring/boring/not really a lot of experience in my opinion which is probably all wrong haha. FINE! I'll try to get a decent job and start probably in Oct, after my cca activities take a break :P till then peeps!

Writer signing out!
P.S. Milo rocks :D and that's the drink fridge :)

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